As I extend my fine art practice to more genres, I’m still pursuing the same goals to create a new type of image and find new meaning. In journalism, my aim is to introduce experimental approaches, while establishing the content of my work in current events and real world topics. My photography has been featured in National Geographic, Vice, The Weather Channel, Wired, and syndicated through Getty Images. I live in Los Angeles.
My work stems from the struggles we have in common. Sometimes from the good things we have in common, too. Current events like natural disasters, space exploration, war. Our personal events like death, injury, unemployment. Or our inspirations like imagination, music, the outdoors, our hustle, our goodwill.
I’m on a mission to depict our relevant topics in more compelling ways. Although to push the imagery, I don’t have a specific recipe. I employ a mixture of ideas that evolve, repeat, or change. They’ve proven to be my core values.
Decentering. Secondary and abstract details are given equal consideration: energy, subjective color, blurs, mistakes.
Collage. Combining details through multiple exposures, experimental shooting, montage, and randomized mashup layouts.
Accessibility. Outlets that are accessible to everyone like the sky or music. Alternatively, resorting to our imagination at hand to create a different world.
Home. Local current events and realizing global issues at home. For example, I can locate multiple geopolitical issues juxtaposed from my street corner, where the trajectory of space launches appear above a legal immigration billboard.
The Unknown. How can I capture, relate, or simulate things we can’t see, places we can’t go? Taking note from imaging used in science for X-ray or telescopes, what else could photography show us that isn’t visible to the eye?
Mediation. Stressing the mediation of cameras and editing– photography is not a neutral medium and neither are we. Making evident noise or film grain– textures of the medium. Using cameras and other devices that have been damaged so they only create images from within them… or somewhere in-between states.
Newness. Desiring to see something I haven’t before, and perhaps something that I can’t explain? It’s a fundamental drive yet it’s so understated. I’m constantly in development mode, inventing, experimenting, remixing approaches. The end result is finding new meaning and having the responsibility to explain it.
Writing. It helps define and simplify my ideas. I’m also working on projects about space launches from California and the elemental influence of music in our lives.